Financial literacy is important for everybody, regardless of their life stage. Teaching some essentials to kids is a great way to instill lifelong financial knowledge, and give them a head start in building wealth. Unfortunately, less than half of U.S. states require high school financial literacy classes. And at home, many parents avoid talking about money with their children because it makes Continue Reading
4 Ways to Prepare Your Grad for Financial Success in College
Plenty of parents worry about paying for college - from tuition and books to dorm supplies and laptops. Whether you're footing the whole bill or none of it, some of the responsibility will fall on your child to achieve financial success in college. Here are some tips to help prepare them for living on their own and thriving financially in college: If you're a more visual learner, jump Continue Reading
3 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Money
Parents are always trying to teach their kids the ways of the world with the hope that those kids will grow up into responsible teenagers and productive young adults. I know I do. I try to teach my daughter valuable lessons - look both ways before crossing the street, be respectful, and always say please and thank you. The lessons we teach our kids will (hopefully) stay with them for the rest Continue Reading