Warmer days have many of us wanting to refresh our spaces and clear out the clutter. But while you’re cleaning up your home and minimizing unnecessary stuff, don’t forget to spring clean your finances, too. Taking some intentional time to organize your financial life can have major benefits all year long. Here are some tips to take advantage of the season and get your money under control: 1. Continue Reading
Check These Spring Financial Tasks Off Your List
Taxes get all the attention each spring, but there are some other spring financial tasks that you might be forgetting about. Tax day has moved to May 17th this year, but that doesn’t mean other key deadlines have changed. Here are some additional tasks to take care of this time of year: Spring Financial Tasks: IRA Withdrawal Deadline Did you or a loved one recently turn 72? If so, mark April Continue Reading
How Decluttering Can Save You Money
Harnessing the spirit of spring cleaning - and the popular “spark joy” mindset - can actually save you money. Clutter has all kinds of negative effects, like lower cognitive functioning, feeling stressed, and making poorer diet choices. Clutter costs you more than just money, but your financial health can definitely be impacted, too. If you need more motivation to get decluttering, here are Continue Reading
Spring Cleaning Your Finances
Longer, warmer days are the perfect excuse to open the windows and clear out the clutter. Just like spring cleaning out your space helps clear your mind, organizing your finances can show you where you need an adjustment. Spending just a few dedicated days a year to your finances can help you make massive changes, and spring is an ideal time for that. Here are some tips to take advantage of the Continue Reading