Your investments should reflect who you are and where you are in life. They should be compatible with your risk tolerance, future goals and current needs. That means they also need to be somewhat fluid, so that your finances can grow and change as your life does. Are you on track for your current life phase? Here are some common life stage investment markers and what they mean for your Continue Reading
Reviewing Employee Benefits for Open Enrollment
It may still be summer, but open enrollment is just around the corner! Chances are you haven't read all the details of your employee benefits. It's important to understand what benefits you might be able to take advantage of. This year, take the time to review your options and feel confident when open enrollment rolls around. This is especially critical if you've had major changes within your Continue Reading
Maximizing Employee Benefits During Open Enrollment
If you’re like many of my clients, you remember how much you get paid every month. But when it comes to the details of your employee benefits, it’s easy to glaze over what’s in the fine print. Many employers offer great benefits, and you can protect your family and build wealth by taking advantage of them. Do you understand all that your employer has to offer? When the email comes about Continue Reading
Uncovering Treasures in Your Employee Benefits
Do you understand your options on employee benefits such as disability insurance or life insurance? If your employer offers multiple retirement plan options, do you wonder if you are signed up for the best retirement plan for you? If you're like most people the answer is probably "I have no idea". I am honored to be featured on this month to talk about how a financial planner can help Continue Reading