It’s tax time again! It may not be the most wonderful time of the year, but it is a necessary evil. If you tend to put off filing taxes until the last minute, you might want to consider filing taxes early this year. Here are a few of the benefits of sending in your taxes early: Why You Should Consider Filing Taxes Early in 2021 We actually had to wait 16 more days to begin filing taxes this Continue Reading
Tax Tips for Easier Filing
Nothing says “happy spring!” quite like tax time. If that looming April 15th deadline gives you a headache, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. The best way to tackle your taxes is to take them one step a time. Here is a roundup of my top tax tips to help you cruise through tax season a little easier: Gather Your Documents Whether you’re doing taxes on your own or Continue Reading
Last Minute Opportunities to Save on Taxes
Most of the actions you can take to reduce your tax bill have to happen by the end of the taxable year (a.k.a. December 31st.) However, there are still a few opportunities to save money on your taxes this year. The changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act mean that many Americans will see a lower refund or end up owing this year. So this is a good time to do what you can to save yourself a little Continue Reading