Few things about financial planning are absolutely certain, but one thing is: expensive emergencies are going to happen. Whether your roof sprung a leak, you lost your job or your dog needs emergency surgery, you’ll need an emergency fund to cover surprise expenses. Here is a quick guide to creating a successful emergency fund, so you can feel more confident when an unexpected cost comes Continue Reading
Your Emergency Fund Should Be Boring
Sometimes, financial success can be exciting. It’s exhilarating to finally get the raise you worked so hard for, buy your dream house, or take your long-awaited European vacation guilt-free. But some sound financial concepts are boring. Emergency funds are definitely snooze-worthy. After all, they are there to help you sleep soundly at night. Emergency funds provide a buffer to help you Continue Reading
Choosing the Best Financial Planner for You
Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, a single person living in the big city or a family living in the suburbs, you could most likely use the advice of a financial planner. A big misconception is that financial planners only manage the big bucks of the country's wealthiest people, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. The trick is to find the best financial planner Continue Reading
10 Tips for Staying on Budget in the New Year
Are you one of the many Americans who sets a money goal as your New Year's resolution? As a financial coach, many people come to me with money goals in mind, from paying off debt to saving money for retirement. The truth is many people may have the same goals, but everyone works towards achieving them differently. Sometimes managing personal finances can be overwhelming. With a bit of planning, Continue Reading