Few things about financial planning are absolutely certain, but one thing is: expensive emergencies are going to happen. Whether your roof sprung a leak, you lost your job or your dog needs emergency surgery, you’ll need an emergency fund to cover surprise expenses. Here is a quick guide to creating a successful emergency fund, so you can feel more confident when an unexpected cost comes Continue Reading
Financial Milestones You Should Celebrate
Managing your finances can feel like it’s all work and no play. But it’s not just about self-control, delayed gratification and complicated spreadsheets. You can, and should, leave room for celebrating. When you think of financial milestones, the big one that probably comes to mind is paying off debt. This is a huge goal for so many people, and it’s highly visible, meaning you know when you’ve Continue Reading
Create an Emergency Fund That Has Your Back
When the country went on lockdown back in March, so many people found themselves in a really tough situation. Half of all U.S. citizens have less than $400 saved, and for those who do have savings, they often only have enough for a month or two. Nobody assumes their job will disappear tomorrow, but as we’ve seen this year, anything can happen. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who was Continue Reading
Your Emergency Fund Should Be Boring
Sometimes, financial success can be exciting. It’s exhilarating to finally get the raise you worked so hard for, buy your dream house, or take your long-awaited European vacation guilt-free. But some sound financial concepts are boring. Emergency funds are definitely snooze-worthy. After all, they are there to help you sleep soundly at night. Emergency funds provide a buffer to help you Continue Reading