For many of us, the financial goals we set in January are a distant memory by June. That New Year enthusiasm can become dulled by the stress and reality of everyday life. But you don’t need to wait until next New Year’s to get excited about your goals again. Summer is the perfect time to get reacquainted with your goals, and see if you need to make any changes to get back on track. Checking Continue Reading
How to Stay on Track During the Holiday Season
At the end of the year, there’s a trend that happens for many people: a much more relaxed approach to spending and budgeting. For a lot of people, by the time the holidays roll around, they’ve already fallen off track with their finances. So instead of pulling back, they start overspending on gifts, travel and other holiday expenses, with the idea that they’ll fix things in the new Continue Reading
Busting Top Budget Myths
Anytime there’s a big change in your home, family or career, it’s a good time to look at the foundation of your financial plan: your budget. Everyone needs a budget. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you earn, or how boring it sounds - you do need one! I want to break down some of the biggest budget myths I hear about, and maybe convince you that it’s well worth your time and energy to Continue Reading
4 Ways to Prepare Your Grad for Financial Success in College
Plenty of parents worry about paying for college - from tuition and books to dorm supplies and laptops. Whether you're footing the whole bill or none of it, some of the responsibility will fall on your child to achieve financial success in college. Here are some tips to help prepare them for living on their own and thriving financially in college: If you're a more visual learner, jump Continue Reading
Living a Richer Life with Gratitude
It’s human nature to set your sights a little bit bigger time after time. We set goals to become stronger, faster, smarter and wealthier. We're always trying to get a little better bit by bit. But when it comes to money, always wanting more will mean that you'll never have enough. It’s hard to be in a place of satisfaction and gratitude when there’s a desire for more. Evaluate Where You've Continue Reading
Choosing the Best Financial Planner for You
Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, a single person living in the big city or a family living in the suburbs, you could most likely use the advice of a financial planner. A big misconception is that financial planners only manage the big bucks of the country's wealthiest people, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. The trick is to find the best financial planner Continue Reading
A Millennial’s Guide to Balancing Multiple Money Goals
With student loans that need to be paid off, savings that have to be started and retirement goals that need to be planned, millennials may become overwhelmed with all the choices they have on how to spend their money. After entering the workforce full time, millennials need to make sure they’re making the most of their money. So herein lies the question -- what should millennials do with their Continue Reading
7 Financial Planning Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make
Becoming wealthy doesn’t mean you have to invent a billion dollar idea, become CEO of a company, or strike it rich. Even a meager salary can lead to long-term financial security if you make smart decisions along the way. However, you can just as easily derail your financial success if you make poor decisions and mistakes. Characteristics and Habits That Lead to Trouble Over the past few Continue Reading